Municipality Canada > Quebec > Estrie > Scotstown

Information on Scotstown

The Ville of Scotstown is located in the province of Quebec. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the municipal building of Scotstown at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the municipality’s Customer Service by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Scotstown Municipal Office

Scotstown office addressScotstownMunicipal building Scotstown
101, chemin Victoria O.

Scotstown, QC J0B3B0

Work+1 819-560-8433
Fax+1 819-560-8434
Scotstown phone number(819) 560-8433
International: +1 819-560-8433
Scotstown emailLoading...
Scotstown official websitescotstown.ca
Opening hoursDu Mardi au Vendredi : de 8h30 à 12h00 et de 13h00 à 16h30
Mayor of ScotstownSylvie Dubé

Demography of Scotstown

Name of Scotstown inhabitants (demonym)Scotstownois, oise
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population472 inhabitants818 / 1 997
Population density in Scotstown41,2 pop/km² (106,7 pop/sq mi)

Scotstown administrative numbers

Scotstown Ville code41080
Scotstown Ville postcodeJ0B3B0

Information on Scotstown

Cities twinned with ScotstownCurrently, the town Scotstown isn’t twinned
Namesake of Scotstown
  • Scotstown, Irlande
Natural parksScotstown isn't part of a natural park

Transportation modes in Scotstown

Sherbrooke Airport 33.5 km
Aéroport Roland-Désourdy 117.1 km
Aéroport international Jean-Lesage de Québec 140 km

Scotstown territory

Scotstown area1 146 hectares
11,46 km² (4,42 sq mi)
Scotstown altitude372 Altitude metres
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 45.5333
Longitude: -71.2833
Latitude: 45° 31' 60'' North
Longitude: 71° 16' 60'' West
Time zone
UTC -5:00 (America/Montreal)
Summer time : UTC -4:00
Winter time : UTC -5:00
Local time

What is Scotstown close to?

Scotstown neighbouring municipalities
LingwickNeighbouring townsHampden
Scotstown neighbouring municipalities
Hampden 4.5 kmLingwick 6.8 kmMilan 13.8 km
La Patrie 15 kmVal-Racine 17.8 kmBury 18.5 km
Stornoway 22 kmMarston 22.4 kmNotre-Dame-des-Bois 22.5 km
Newport 22.9 kmNantes 23.1 kmWeedon 23.4 km
Dudswell 24 kmChartierville 26.8 kmStratford 27.8 km
East Angus 29.3 kmWestbury 30.1 kmCookshire-Eaton 30.2 km
Piopolis 30.4 kmSainte-Cécile-de-Whitton 31 kmSaint-Romain 31.3 km

Distance between Scotstown and other main cities and towns

Toronto : 669 kmMontreal : 185 kmCalgary : 3180 km
Ottawa : 344 kmEdmonton : 3127 kmBrampton : 703 km
Mississauga : 697 kmWinnipeg : 1986 kmVancouver : 3849 km
Hamilton : 728 kmQuebec : 143 km closestSurrey : 3833 km
Laval : 192 kmHalifax : 613 kmLondon : 843 km
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Scotstown town’s surrounding area

in the territory and around the Scotstown town
Megantic Mountain 13.9 km
Saddle Hill 29.2 km
Mount Saddle 29.2 km
Mount D’Urban 31.3 km
Ben D’Urban 31.3 km
Bon Durban 31.3 km

Leisure and activities in Scotstown surrounding area

No activities found in town Scotstown