Municipality Canada > Quebec > Estrie > Dudswell

Information on Dudswell

The Municipalité of Dudswell is located in the province of Quebec. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the municipal building of Dudswell at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the municipality’s Customer Service by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Dudswell Municipal Office

Dudswell office addressDudswellMunicipal building Dudswell
167, rue Main

Dudswell J0B1G0

Work+1 819-560-8484
Fax+1 819-560-8485
Dudswell phone number(819) 560-8484
International: +1 819-560-8484
Dudswell emailLoading...
Dudswell official websitemunicipalitededudswell.ca
Mayor of DudswellMariane Paré

Demography of Dudswell

Name of Dudswell inhabitants (demonym)Dudswellois, oise
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population1 755 inhabitants422 / 1 192
Population density in Dudswell8,0 pop/km² (20,8 pop/sq mi)

Dudswell administrative numbers

Dudswell Municipalité code41117
Dudswell Municipalité postcodeJ0B1G0

Information on Dudswell

Cities twinned with DudswellCurrently, the town Dudswell isn’t twinned
Natural parksDudswell isn't part of a natural park

Transportation modes in Dudswell

Sherbrooke Airport 18.2 km
Aéroport Roland-Désourdy 96.2 km
Aéroport de Trois-Rivières 120.6 km

Dudswell territory

Dudswell area21 861 hectares
218,61 km² (84,41 sq mi)
Dudswell altitude220 Altitude metres
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 45.583
Longitude: -71.583
Latitude: 45° 34' 59'' North
Longitude: 71° 34' 59'' West
Time zone
UTC -5:00 (America/Montreal)
Summer time : UTC -4:00
Winter time : UTC -5:00
Local time

What is Dudswell close to?

Dudswell neighbouring municipalities
WestburyNeighbouring townsBury
Dudswell neighbouring municipalities
Westbury 11.3 kmEast Angus 11.6 kmBury 14.5 km
Saint-Camille 14.6 kmWeedon 15.8 kmStoke 17.8 km
Cookshire-Eaton 18.9 kmLingwick 19.5 kmHam-Sud 20.5 km
Ascot Corner 20.6 kmSaint-Georges-de-Windsor 23.4 kmNewport 23.6 km
Wotton 23.7 kmScotstown 24 kmHampden 27.6 km
Sherbrooke 27.8 kmSaint-Adrien 28 kmVal-Joli 29.9 km
Saints-Martyrs-Canadiens 29.9 kmBeaulac-Garthby 31.9 kmStratford 32.2 km

Distance between Dudswell and other main cities and towns

Toronto : 650 kmMontreal : 5501 kmCalgary : 3158 km
Ottawa : 321 kmEdmonton : 3103 kmWinnipeg : 1962 km
Mississauga : 676 kmBrampton : 681 kmVancouver : 3827 km
Quebec : 5587 kmHamilton : 707 kmHamilton Township : 707 km
Surrey : 3810 kmHalifax : 636 kmLaval : 169 km closest
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Leisure and activities in Dudswell surrounding area

No activities found in town Dudswell