Municipality Canada > New Brunswick > Madawaska > Rivière-Verte

Information on Rivière-Verte

The Village of Rivière-Verte is located in the province of New Brunswick. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the municipal building of Rivière-Verte at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the municipality’s Customer Service by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Rivière-Verte Municipal Office

Rivière-Verte office addressRivière-VerteMunicipal building Rivière-Verte
78, rue Principale

Rivière-Verte, NB E7C 2T8

Work+1 506-263-1060
Fax+1 506-263-1065
Rivière-Verte phone number(506) 263-1060
International: +1 506-263-1060
Rivière-Verte emailNot available
Rivière-Verte official websiteriviere-verte.ca/
Mayor of Rivière-VerteMichel LeBlond

Demography of Rivière-Verte

Name of Rivière-Verte inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population744 inhabitants190 / 1 731
Population density in Rivière-Verte111,0 pop/km² (287,6 pop/sq mi)

Information on Rivière-Verte

Cities twinned with Rivière-VerteCurrently, the town Rivière-Verte isn’t twinned
Natural parksRivière-Verte isn't part of a natural park

Transportation modes in Rivière-Verte

Saint-Léonard Aerodrome 29.7 km
Aéroport de Rivière-du-Loup 118.8 km
Rimouski Airport 131.8 km

Rivière-Verte territory

Rivière-Verte area670 hectares
6,70 km² (2,59 sq mi)
Rivière-Verte altitude136 Altitude metres
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 47.317
Longitude: -68.15
Latitude: 47° 19' 1'' North
Longitude: 68° 9' 0'' West
Time zone
UTC -4:00 (America/Moncton)
Summer time : UTC -3:00
Winter time : UTC -4:00
Local time

What is Rivière-Verte close to?

Rivière-Verte neighbouring municipalities
United States MadawaskaNeighbouring townsUnited States Grand Isle
United States MadawaskaUnited States Grand IsleUnited States Grand Isle
Rivière-Verte neighbouring municipalities
United States Grand Isle 6.9 kmUnited States Madawaska 8.6 kmSaint-Basile 8.6 km
Sainte-Anne-de-Madawaska 11.6 kmSaint-Basile 10 12.9 kmEdmundston 14.6 km
United States St. Agatha 16 kmSiegas 17 kmNotre-Dame-de-Lourdes 17.4 km
United States Van Buren 18.5 kmSaint-Hilaire 19 kmUnited States Frenchville 19.8 km
Sainte-Anne 24.5 kmSaint-Léonard 27.4 kmSaint-Joseph 27.6 km
Baker Brook 27.7 kmUnited States Stockholm 28.1 kmUnited States Cyr Plantation 28.5 km
Saint-Jacques 28.7 kmUnited States New Canada 31.1 kmUnited States Hamlin 33 km

Distance between Rivière-Verte and other main cities and towns

Toronto : 960 kmMontreal : 5306 kmCalgary : 3312 km
Ottawa : 616 kmEdmonton : 3231 kmWinnipeg : 2140 km
Mississauga : 987 kmBrampton : 991 kmVancouver : 3986 km
Quebec : 5514 kmHamilton : 1022 kmHamilton Township : 1022 km
Surrey : 3970 kmHalifax : 461 km closestLaval : 471 km
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Rivière-Verte town’s surrounding area

in the territory and around the Rivière-Verte town
Riviere Verte 0 km
Post office

Leisure and activities in Rivière-Verte surrounding area

No activities found in town Rivière-Verte