Municipality Canada > New Brunswick > Victoria > Tobique 20

Information on Tobique 20

The Community of Tobique 20 is located in the province of New Brunswick. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the municipal building of Tobique 20 at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the municipality’s Customer Service by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Tobique 20 Municipal Office

Tobique 20 office addressNot available
Tobique 20 phone numberNot available
Tobique 20 emailNot available
Tobique 20 official websiteNot available
Mayor of Tobique 20Chef Gerald Bear

Demography of Tobique 20

Name of Tobique 20 inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population878 inhabitants160 / 1 673
Population density in Tobique 2035,2 pop/km² (91,2 pop/sq mi)

Information on Tobique 20

Cities twinned with Tobique 20Currently, the town Tobique 20 isn’t twinned
Natural parksTobique 20 isn't part of a natural park

Transportation modes in Tobique 20

Saint-Léonard Aerodrome 41.2 km
Fredericton International Airport 135.9 km
Charlo Airport 166 km

Tobique 20 territory

Tobique 20 area2 494 hectares
24,94 km² (9,63 sq mi)
Tobique 20 altitude205 Altitude metres
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 46.8048
Longitude: -67.6682
Latitude: 46° 48' 17'' North
Longitude: 67° 40' 6'' West
Time zone
UTC -4:00 (America/Moncton)
Summer time : UTC -3:00
Winter time : UTC -4:00
Local time

What is Tobique 20 close to?

Tobique 20 neighbouring municipalities
United States LimestoneUnited States LimestoneGordon
AroostookNeighbouring townsPerth
Tobique 20 neighbouring municipalities
Aroostook 4.2 kmPerth-Andover 8.1 kmAndover 12.9 km
Perth 13.7 kmUnited States Fort Fairfield 14.9 kmUnited States Limestone 18.7 km
United States Caribou 20.7 kmGordon 22 kmDenmark 22.8 km
United States Easton 23.5 kmPlaster Rock 23.7 kmDrummond 25.7 km
Haut-Kent 26.4 kmUnited States Presque Isle 28 kmGrand Falls 28 km
United States Caswell 28.1 kmUnited States Mars Hill 30.8 kmWicklow 33.2 km
Bath 33.5 kmUnited States Washburn 33.7 kmUnited States Hamlin 34.8 km

Distance between Tobique 20 and other main cities and towns

Toronto : 976 kmMontreal : 483 kmCalgary : 3368 km
Ottawa : 638 kmEdmonton : 3293 kmBrampton : 1009 km
Mississauga : 1004 kmWinnipeg : 2193 kmVancouver : 4041 km
Hamilton : 1037 kmQuebec : 271 km closestSurrey : 4026 km
Laval : 488 kmHalifax : 396 kmLondon : 1151 km
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Leisure and activities in Tobique 20 surrounding area

No activities found in town Tobique 20