Municipality Canada > Alberta > Southern Alberta > Delia

Information on Delia

The Village of Delia is located in the province of Alberta. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the municipal building of Delia at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the municipality’s Customer Service by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Delia Municipal Office

Delia office addressDeliaMunicipal building Delia
PO Box 206

Delia, AB T0J 0W0

Work+1 403-364-3787
Fax+1 403-364-2089
Delia phone number(403) 364-3787
International: +1 403-364-3787
Delia emailLoading...
Delia official websitedelia.ca
Mayor of DeliaDavid Sisley

Demography of Delia

Name of Delia inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population216 inhabitants297 / 2 234
Population density in Delia162,4 pop/km² (420,6 pop/sq mi)

Delia administrative numbers

Delia Village code0084
Delia Village postcodeT0J 0W0

Information on Delia

Cities twinned with DeliaCurrently, the town Delia isn’t twinned
Namesake of Delia
  • Delia, Sicilia, Italie
  • Delia, Kansas, États-Unis
Natural parksDelia isn't part of a natural park

Transportation modes in Delia

Coronation Airport 80.2 km
Red Deer Airport 121.1 km
Calgary International Airport 128.6 km

Delia territory

Delia area133 hectares
1,33 km² (0,51 sq mi)
Delia altitude904 Altitude metres
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 51.633
Longitude: -112.367
Latitude: 51° 37' 59'' North
Longitude: 112° 22' 1'' West
Time zone
UTC -7:00 (America/Edmonton)
Summer time : UTC -6:00
Winter time : UTC -7:00
Local time

What is Delia close to?

Delia neighbouring municipalities
MunsonNeighbouring townsHanna
Delia neighbouring municipalities
Munson 27.1 kmMorrin 27.7 kmStarland County 27.7 km
Hanna 29.4 kmDrumheller 30.8 km 

Distance between Delia and other main cities and towns

Toronto : 2601 kmMontreal : 2895 kmCalgary : 135 km closest
Ottawa : 2759 kmEdmonton : 229 kmBrampton : 2574 km
Mississauga : 2587 kmWinnipeg : 1087 kmVancouver : 803 km
Hamilton : 2592 kmQuebec : 2998 kmSurrey : 790 km
Laval : 2886 kmHalifax : 3634 kmLondon : 2514 km
Distances are calculated as the crow flies