Municipality Canada > Saskatchewan > Tecumseh

Information on Tecumseh

The Rural municipality of Tecumseh is located in the province of Saskatchewan. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the municipal building of Tecumseh at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the municipality’s Customer Service by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Tecumseh Municipal Office

Tecumseh office addressTecumsehMunicipal building Tecumseh
Box 300


Work+1 306-457-2277
Fax+1 306-457-3149
Tecumseh phone number(306) 457-2277
International: +1 306-457-2277
Tecumseh emailLoading...
Tecumseh official websitedlcwest.com/~creda/members/rm65/
Mayor of TecumsehMrs. Zandra Slater

Demography of Tecumseh

Name of Tecumseh inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population23 300 inhabitants8 / 197
Population density in Tecumseh28,2 pop/km² (73,2 pop/sq mi)

Information on Tecumseh

Cities twinned with TecumsehCurrently, the town Tecumseh isn’t twinned
Namesake of Tecumseh
  • Tecumseh, Michigan, États-Unis
  • Tecumseh, Nebraska, États-Unis
  • Tecumseh, Oklahoma, États-Unis
  • Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada
Natural parksTecumseh isn't part of a natural park

Tecumseh territory

Tecumseh area82 483 hectares
824,83 km² (318,47 sq mi)
Tecumseh altitude610 Altitude metres
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 496
Longitude: -103
Latitude: 496° 0' 0'' North
Longitude: 103° 0' 0'' West
Time zone
UTC -6:00 (America/Regina)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time
Local time

What is Tecumseh close to?

Tecumseh neighbouring municipalities
StoughtonNeighbouring townsForget
Tecumseh neighbouring municipalities
Stoughton 3 kmForget 11.3 kmHeward 13.1 km
Ocean Man 69F 19.2 kmOcean Man 69E 20.9 kmOcean Man 69 21.8 km
Ocean Man 69D 22.9 kmOcean Man 69G 24 kmOcean Man 69I 25.4 km
Kisbey 25.4 kmOcean Man 69H 25.7 kmOcean Man 69C 26.1 km
Creelman 26.3 kmGolden West 26.4 kmOcean Man 69B 27.6 km
Benson 28.6 kmOcean Man 69A 28.8 kmGriffin 29.1 km
Hazelwood 34 kmLampman 35.1 kmFillmore 38.4 km

Distance between Tecumseh and other main cities and towns

Toronto : 9992 kmMontreal : 4645 km closestCalgary : 9403 km
Ottawa : 9724 kmEdmonton : 9134 kmWinnipeg : 9571 km
Mississauga : 10014 kmBrampton : 10007 kmVancouver : 9473 km
Quebec : 6065 kmHamilton : 10055 kmHamilton Township : 10055 km
Surrey : 9485 kmHalifax : 9426 kmLaval : 9656 km
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Leisure and activities in Tecumseh surrounding area

No activities found in town Tecumseh