Municipality Canada > Ontario > Essex > LaSalle

Information on LaSalle

The Town of LaSalle is located in the province of Ontario. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the municipal building of LaSalle at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the municipality’s Customer Service by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

LaSalle Municipal Office

LaSalle office addressLaSalleTown hall LaSalle
5950 Malden Road

LaSalle, Ontario N9H 1S4

Work+1 519-969-7770
Fax+1 519-969-4469
LaSalle phone number(519) 969-7770
International: +1 519-969-7770
LaSalle emailLoading...
LaSalle official websitetown.lasalle.on.ca
Mayor of LaSalleMarc A. Bondy

Demography of LaSalle

Name of LaSalle inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population30 180 inhabitants59 / 150
Population density in LaSalle461,8 pop/km² (1 196,1 pop/sq mi)

LaSalle administrative numbers

LaSalle Town code10384
LaSalle Town postcodeN9H 1S4

Information on LaSalle

Cities twinned with LaSalleCurrently, the town LaSalle isn’t twinned
Namesake of LaSalle
  • LaSalle, Illinois, États-Unis
Natural parksLaSalle isn't part of a natural park

Transportation modes in LaSalle

Windsor Airport 9.3 km
Sarnia Airport 104.3 km
St. Thomas Municipal Airport 170.3 km

LaSalle territory

LaSalle area6 535 hectares
65,35 km² (25,23 sq mi)
LaSalle altitude172 Altitude metres
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 42.2431
Longitude: -83.0597
Latitude: 42° 14' 35'' North
Longitude: 83° 3' 35'' West
Time zone
UTC -5:00 (America/Toronto)
Summer time : UTC -4:00
Winter time : UTC -5:00
Local time

What is LaSalle close to?

LaSalle neighbouring municipalities
United States River RougeUnited States River RougeLakeshore
United States River RougeNeighbouring townsLakeshore
United States WyandotteUnited States Wyandotte
LaSalle neighbouring municipalities
United States River Rouge 6.3 kmUnited States Ecorse 6.7 kmLakeshore 8.1 km
United States Wyandotte 8.7 kmWindsor 9.3 kmUnited States Lincoln Park 10 km
United States Melvindale 10.9 kmUnited States Allen Park 12.6 kmUnited States Southgate 12.9 km
United States Riverview 13.3 kmTecumseh 13.3 kmUnited States Dearborn 14.7 km
United States Grosse Ile Township 14.8 kmUnited States Trenton 15.9 kmUnited States Detroit 16 km
Amherstburg 16 kmUnited States Hamtramck 17 kmUnited States Taylor 17.3 km
United States Highland Park 18.3 kmUnited States Grosse Pointe Park 18.4 kmUnited States Woodhaven 18.9 km

Distance between LaSalle and other main cities and towns

Toronto : 344 kmMontreal : 838 kmCalgary : 2540 km
Ottawa : 689 kmEdmonton : 2571 kmBrampton : 312 km
Mississauga : 316 kmWinnipeg : 1377 kmVancouver : 3167 km
Hamilton : 284 kmQuebec : 1067 kmSurrey : 3148 km
Laval : 833 kmHalifax : 1594 kmLondon : 170 km closest
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Leisure and activities in LaSalle surrounding area

Military architecture
Fort Malden
to Amherstburg 15.7 km