Municipality Canada > Saskatchewan > Glen Bain

Information on Glen Bain

The Rural municipality of Glen Bain is located in the province of Saskatchewan. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the municipal building of Glen Bain at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the municipality’s Customer Service by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Glen Bain Municipal Office

Glen Bain office addressGlen BainMunicipal building Glen Bain
Box 39


Work+1 306-264-3607
Fax+1 306-264-3956
Glen Bain phone number(306) 264-3607
International: +1 306-264-3607
Glen Bain emailLoading...
Glen Bain official websitemds.gov.sk.ca/apps/Pub/MDS/muniDetails.aspx?cat=10&
Mayor of Glen BainMr. Ivan Braun

Demography of Glen Bain

Name of Glen Bain inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population180 inhabitants415 / 2 221
Population density in Glen Bain0,2 pop/km² (0,6 pop/sq mi)

Information on Glen Bain

Cities twinned with Glen BainCurrently, the town Glen Bain isn’t twinned
Natural parksGlen Bain isn't part of a natural park

Glen Bain territory

Glen Bain area84 340 hectares
843,40 km² (325,64 sq mi)
Glen Bain altitude707 Altitude metres
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 499
Longitude: -107
Latitude: 499° 0' 0'' North
Longitude: 107° 0' 0'' West
Time zone
UTC -6:00 (America/Regina)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time
Local time

What is Glen Bain close to?

Glen Bain neighbouring municipalities
VanguardNeighbouring townsHodgeville
Glen Bain neighbouring municipalities
Vanguard 16.6 kmHodgeville 23.1 kmHazenmore 26.8 km
Kincaid 27.4 kmLawtonia 27.8 kmWhiska Creek 30.1 km
Pinto Creek 31 kmAneroid 32.4 kmGravelbourg 34.1 km
Coulee 38.4 kmShamrock 39.4 kmLafleche 40 km
Auvergne 41.1 kmWood River 42.8 kmNeville 46.7 km

Distance between Glen Bain and other main cities and towns

Toronto : 10207 kmMontreal : 5000 km closestCalgary : 9768 km
Ottawa : 9925 kmEdmonton : 9496 kmWinnipeg : 9875 km
Mississauga : 10229 kmBrampton : 10223 kmVancouver : 9866 km
Quebec : 6491 kmHamilton : 10271 kmHamilton Township : 10271 km
Surrey : 9878 kmHalifax : 9566 kmLaval : 9847 km
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Leisure and activities in Glen Bain surrounding area

No activities found in town Glen Bain